Beacons of Hope


In a camp of refuge, where hearts have fled

A man and woman, with kindness ahead

Distribute gifts, with gentle hands

Spreading hope, in a desperate land


Their smiles shine bright, like stars in the night

As they bring joy, to a world in plight

Each gift a symbol, of love and care

A reminder that kindness, is still there


With every item, a story unfolds

Of resilience, in the face of cold

The man and woman, with hearts so true

Bring warmth to souls, in all they do


In this camp of refuge, where dreams are worn

The duo’s kindness, like a beacon is born

Guiding lights, in the darkest of times

A man and woman, with hearts that entwine


Their selfless acts, a testament to the power

Of compassion and love, in each passing hour

A reminder that even in strife

There are beacons of hope, that shine with life.

Couple in a refugee camp

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