Beyond the Bars of Faith


Sometimes all we need is a bit of love to be better,
To break free from the chains of our past, to discover.
I grew up under the watchful eye of a Reverend’s care,
But despite the teachings, I felt lost, with no Jesus to share.

I searched for answers, for a sense of belonging true,
In the Catholic faith, I found solace, and a heart anew.
I recited rosaries, with devotion and with zeal,
Hoping to win Maria’s approval, and her heart to reveal.

We met in her office, where I was a frequent guest,
A suspect, a sinner, or so I thought, in need of rest.
But little did I know, our chance encounters would lead,
To a love that would change me, and plant a seed.

For Maria saw beyond the bars of my faith,
To the heart of a man, who was searching for his way.
She showed me love, without condition or shame,
And helped me find Jesus, in a different kind of flame.

With her by my side, I learned to let go,
Of the need for approval, and the weight of my ego.
I discovered that love, is not about rules or might,
But about embracing each other, in the dark of night.

So here I stand, a man transformed, renewed,
Thanks to Maria’s love, my heart is no longer subdued.
I’ve found my faith, not in dogma or creed,
But in the love we share, and the heart that beats in need.

For sometimes all we need, is a bit of love to be better,
To break free from the chains, and discover a different measure.
A measure of love, that’s not bound by fear or shame,
But one that sets us free, and helps us to reclaim.

A couple

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