Getting started – first posts, file upload, page views analysis with screenshots


The shot below is the screenshot of the landing page of our author dashboard. At the topmost of the page are the symbols of Boldgrid, WordPress, home,, comment, +New and Howdy, Careers and Workforce team (displays the name of user account currently signed in)

To create a new post, click +New, then Post.

On the dashboard Side Navigation, there’s the Home, Jetpack, Post, MediaProfile etc.



This suite of WordPress apps and tools is our option for analysing’s site performance.

Authors are advised to utilise this tab mainly for the purpose of analysing the viewership of the website.

Click Jetpack 

Click stats to view post performance 

Overview of post performance by days week s, months, and years countries, authors, etc.


For creation of posts, which is the primary duty of writers, click posts, then, Add New Post

The default layout of the All Posts look crowded with columns, and to have a seamless workflow we will utilise a button labelled Screen Options 

On selecting the Screen Options unmark options as seen below to have only the required options. As you progress in the author journey, you can review the unmarked options to see how it works.

The next, is writing new posts. As explained earlier you can always use the + New button on the uppermost row of your dashboard.

Alternatively, if you are on the All Posts click Add New Post

The layout of the new posts can be a bit intimidating at first, we will utilise the Screen Options to adjust its contents as well make the layout single column

While writing your posts, remember to use hashtags eg. #transfer #Nigeria within the post just as you would use them in a social media post.

On publishing the post, these hashtags become tags.

There are necessary options for every new post. Some of them are Selecting a Category, Set Featured Image, etc we recommend choosing one category or two at most.

The default Categories available might be limited and may not reflect your new posts category, if you ever need to add a new category, reach out to the Career and Workforce Team via [email protected] and for any other information.

Check the Get Short link in order to get a short link for easy sharing on social media.

With short links, you get these

instead of


Please do not share videos on the posts at this time. Stick to pictures as your preferred media.

If you ever need to share anything other than texts and pictures at this time, reach out to the workforce team.

Your journey with us have already begun, feel free to recommend and improve the contents of this Getting started post by reaching out to the workforce team.


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