Oh gentle nurse heal this rugged soldier – a romantic poem


Oh, gentle nurse, with hands so kind,
Your touch ignites a love so hard to find.
In your care, I’d willingly succumb,
To wounds and bruises, just to feel your tender thumb.

Your eyes, like angels, watch over me,
Your smile, a balm, that sets my soul free.
Your gentle touch, a solace and a peace,
Makes me yearn, to be in your care, to release.

I’d take a bullet, or a thousand falls,
To be tended by your loving hands, through it all.
For in your care, I find a peaceful place,
Where pain and fear, are erased by your gentle grace.

Oh, nurse, dear nurse, you are a work of art,
A masterpiece, that heals the heart.
I’d be a soldier, in a war, so brave,
Just to be wounded, and be under your care, to crave.

Your touch, a magic, that makes me whole,
A love, so strong, that makes my heart and soul unfold.
So here I’ll stay, in this hospital bed,
Forever yours, dear nurse, my heart, my everything, my head.

AI image of a nurse treating a soldier

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