Torino FC 2024/25 Season Tickets: Sign Up By July 9th And Save


We are approaching the last week for 2023/24 season ticket renewals. From Wednesday 10 July the right of first refusal will cease and unconfirmed places will be released. Take advantage now of the discounts of the first phase and of the Italian Cup for only 1 euro, from July 10th we will start again with a new sales price list!


The sale to new subscribers will be divided into two phases. The first, already open, will allow new season ticket holders to access the discounted pre-sale price list and to have the first round of the Italian Cup for 1 euro. The second sales phase will start on Wednesday 10 July, with a dedicated price list which will still ensure savings of up to 50% compared to the purchase of individual tickets.

All extra costs for online purchases are eliminated from this season #ticket campaign  : the official website becomes increasingly central and the preferred channel for purchasing. Furthermore, the section dedicated to season tickets, developed in collaboration with the technological partner Vivaticket , features a new, simple and intuitive graphic interface: you will be able to confirm your seat or independently choose to change it at the best price and without surprises or queues. Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Satispay credit card.

To subscribe, as always, you need to have the  Cuore Granata card , which can be purchased online for just 15 euros including shipping or at the Stadium Ticket Office, at the same price. It is valid for ten years and gives access to numerous benefits.

In the Distinti Laterali – towards the Curva Maratona – the Family area is born , dedicated to families and the little ones, with dedicated entertainment initiatives. These are sectors 117-118-223 of the first and second ring. In this area the Adult season ticket can  only be purchased together with an Under 16 and at really advantageous prices: Under 16 for only 155 euros – approximately 8 euros per match – Accompanying Adult for 255 euros – or the value of the tickets for approximately 6 big matches.

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