Tree planting is a way of life – a poem


Twenty years ago, a seed was sown,
A tree of dreams, that would one day be grown.
My father’s guidance, helped me plant with care,
The calm wilderness, that I now call my share.

With every passing year, it grew strong and tall,
A symbol of hope, that stood through it all.
Its branches stretched wide, its roots dug deep,
A sanctuary born, where my heart could seek.

Today, I stand beneath its shade so bright,
With my son by my side, and a new dream in sight.
We embark on a journey, to build a home anew,
A place where love and laughter, will forever shine through.

Just as my father taught me, I’ll guide you on your way,
To plant the seeds of dreams, that will grow with each new day.
We’ll build a foundation, strong and true,
A home that will shelter us, and all our dreams anew.

The tree that was planted, twenty years ago today,
Will watch over our journey, as we build our way.
Its wisdom and strength, will inspire us to strive,
To create a home that’s filled, with love and a sense of life.

So let us begin, this new chapter in our tale,
With the lessons of the past, and a vision for the future’s hail.
May our home be a haven, where love will forever grow,
And the tree that was planted, will continue to watch over us, as we grow.

Father and son Tree planting

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